For the ZPBSTimes
Oh you tryin' to big time,
Think you got some skills with a pen and paper, huh?
You gon' write for the Times, huh?
You gon' type and hit the send button, huh?
couldn't resist.
Submissions from Sigmas and Zetas as well as (in some cases) Archonettes and Sigma Betas are welcomed and invited. Use this page to submit articles and poetry. If you wanna drop us some comments, please use the comments page.
Article considerations and requirements:
1. Think before you type. Remember, whatever you send- IF it gets published, is a resprentation of the entire Blue and White Family.
2. No more greek war topics! Exceptions to this rule are articles which trace the historical and factual information about our beloved organization in an effort to correct misinformation that others send along (i.e.- We Are The Real Sigmas).
2a. Family business stays in house. I won't be posting any articles busy downgrading any frat or sorors, whether they be national officers, chapter officers or annoying people. There is ONE exception to this rule and it's one article on this site designed to put some direction to a situation gone awry.
3. Check and double check your references to make sure they are correct and legit. Ain't nuthin' worse than someone posting an article about something and findin' out that all of their research was WRONG.
4. Spell check and grammar check your own articles. Please. I kan't be takin' anymoor horibal speling from Frat and Sarahs. We is all in collidge- present yorself in an intelligint manur. Memba-you represent the frat and sorority wif yo' wordz.
5. The Staff has the right, upon judgement, to reject any article we deem not fitting to post on the site for any reason without notice. Of course, we might be nice and send you a note if we decide not to use your article. We also have the right to make editorial changes. We'll tell you about those, though.