Occassionally, there's an article on the
site that elicits several dozen comments by readers. So here's some of the feedback
on them..... enjoy (or not)!
So Tell Us How You Really Feel about Intake....
Bro. Gilliard,
I was very impressed with your article in the ZPBSTimes. What you speak is the truth. My personal process was &*^(#, and of the four of us that went through the intake process, I am the only one left that is still working for the organization. When things got hard in the organization my LS's left. I personally expected a certain degree of pain and struggle when I went through but I did not recieve anything. However, I don't feel that I was let in, I earned my letters through my dedication and hard work in Zeta. I went through a high school sorority before I went through an intake process and it was shameful to say that I went through more then than I did when I was in college.
Things are different from the old school - I used to admire how close everyone was and the brotherhood and sisterhood, but here at my school I can't stand to look at the Sigmas because all they do is kick it, they don't support Zetas and they smoke weed all day. They say and do very nasty and inappropriate things to the Zetas here and feel that the Zetas belong to them. If a Zeta dates a person of another frat, they get angry and disrespect her. They do not have a clue what brother and sister means. If a Zeta and Sigma get together I would hope that it is because they really like eachother and not some crazy motive to have blue and white babies.
No I did not go thru a process worth talking about and I regret it til' this day. I wish that I could have gone to a HBCollege and go thru a different and much more difficult procees. I am one of the few people that believes that without struggle there is no progress. We are proud to be Black because of our past, we are proud of our heritage becasue many people died to get us here. Everytime we "let " people into our organization, I feel that we are disrespecting our founders and our black heritage.
I have really enjoyed the articles that I have read from the blue and white family. It feels good to know we have sorors and frats representing the blue and white family "very well." There is one article in particular I would like to respond to. This article was wriiten by Soror Shaundra Lee-Gamma Alpha, Florida A&M University. I didn't see an email address o write back so I am doing it this way. If you can get in contact with her please give her my e-mail. It's very disappointing and upsetting when people are supposed to represent the same thing you represent but there still seems to be a division some where down the line. You know it HURTS. I was almost left in tears after reading your article. I think this problem stems from people joining for the wrong reasons.
I became a Zeta Fall 98.After I went over , I remembered something that one of my sorors told me. She said, everybody that's your soror aint your sister. I know people are apt to change even after they pledge but I have a big problem with people who say they pledge to belong to a group or because they like the colors blue and white. Pathetic. I think the standards for becoming a member of a greek organization should be revised. I think it should serve more as an elite organization where people should feel honored and priviledged to represent such an organization. This doesn't take a way from the 'eliteness' that already exists. I just feel the standards should be a little higher as far as GPA. I was thinking maybe a 3.0 better. Now I know that there are people who have contributed to the blue and white family enormously, but I was astonished at some of the attitudes of some Zetas I know and they don't seem to possess what we are supposed to be all about. Maybe it was because of the pledgeing process that some have rested upon a mentality that think that they are worthy of their letters since they went through a whole lot of to get them and that they don't have to do community service and they don't have to pay their dues. I don't know. I have really been strugglin' for an answer about why people really pledge.
When people ask me why I pledged, I feel extremely honored to tell them because I knew in my heart it was a good thing and it represented something good at my school. The Zeta's at Benedict College received an award for being the most outstanding service organization. When you are about the business of good things you want to partake in good t hings and that's exactly what I did. When you're doing positive things people will automatically come. I love being a Zeta and I am willing to do whatever it takes to represent to the fullest. I take it very personally when people pledge for reasons such as: feel a sense of identity, blue & white are their favorite colors, my uncle, brother, sister and daddy are apart of the blue & white family and I don't want to mess up the trend, my friend is one, I was looking for a friend, Sigmas always have good parties, my boyfriend is a Sigma, and the worst one of all, I don't know. Simply ridiculous. Makes ya wanna cry. I come not to offend any one but I just felt it necessary after reading your article. I'm going to cut it short right now because I have some homework to do but please e-mail me back and keep in touch. One love. Peace.
Wow! You really had
to vent, eh Lavoris?
Speaking of Soror Lee.....
Well, family, I must say that I have enjoyed all the positive emails about the article I wrote, "A Question on Sisterhood". I love you all and hope that more of our lovely, bluetiful family will get the message. Hopefully, maybe someone who was like the sorors I mentioned thought about their behavior and/or actions and took a look at what it means to be called a "soror". In addition, I hope that I didn't give off the vibe that this is a mass problem. In fact, most of my experiences with meeting new sorors have been pleasant, even exciting. I appreciate the fact that a large number of Zetas know the meaning of sisterly love and exercise common courtesy. That's all I'm asking. I am not a pushy, fawning-type person and don't want to be acosted by that type, either. A simple "hello soror" and a smile is all that I ask when I greet you in the same why. It's not like I tripped all over myself and jumped on these sorors the minute I saw them. In conclusion, keep up that Zeta Zeal and hold all sisters, Zeta or not, in sisterly love. We all need it. Peace and dove.
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