Occasionally, our readers and fans of
the Times
will drop us a line with their thoughts
on the site! Here's a few of them:
I just wanted to say that this is a really
nice website and hats off to your brothers and sisters that maintain it. My
only comment is this: As long as African-Americans fight and strive for the
same purpose, we will always be united no matter what color we were on our backs...
Continue the great work on your website and much success!
Yours in Greek Love,
Thank ya, Shelly! The whole staff says thanks for the greek love and support of the site!
I really enjoy your website. I want to become Zeta, and your website was one of the first website I found when I searched the internet on any information about the sorority. Everytime that I get a chance to log on, I look up your site to see if there are any new updates. Your site has provided me with information that has just re-enforced my feelings that Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is a sorority above all the rest. I hope that one day I will be accepted into your family.
Kerry says: Hey, this was
written in SP99- are you up to anything now, GDI at Rowan ?
Greetings Frat!
My name is Andrea and I'm a member of Zeta Delta Zeta chapter in Southern New Jersey. I came in as an undergraduate in the Spring of 1994, and joined a graduate chapter after graduation. I had heard lots of frat and sorors talk about the Zeta Phi Beta Sigma Times, so I finally got around to checking out the website. It is beautiful! I recently had an opportunity to sit down and thoroughly read your articles. I truly enjoyed reading them. I am particularly fond of We Are the Real Sigmas. Knowledge is power! Keep up the wonderful work.
Andrea, NJ
Thank you Soror! I'll be pumping out more articles very shortly- keep your eye on the site!
I really enjoy the articles in the ZPBS Times. I recently heard about PBS and ZPB for the first time back in December, 99. I know people in some of the other "Divine Nine", but I had never heard of your organization before. I learned a lot of from your website, and am glad to see that it is POSITIVE info. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Anonymous Surfer from www.slu.edu
Thanks! I hope ya pop back thru again!
Doug Williams
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,
Detroit, Michigan
Consider yourself linked,
Doug! Hey, aren't the Iotas
gonna be mad you didn't include them in your domain name?
I truly enjoy this site, and have
recommended it to the Sorors in my chapter. I am anxiously awaiting your new stuff.
Congrats on the J-O-B ! I posted a poem and would like to post more, once you
do your updates. The Archives really impressed me. Older photos have a way of
capturing history..."a pic is worth a 1000 words".
Go Blue !!
Soror Colleen Mae Williams
Zeta Phi Beta, Nu Chi Zeta Chapter
St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands
Well, wait no more soror, the updates are here!