Created Jan.
1 1998
Last Modified Sept
10 2001
Funny how your whole life can change in the space of 4 weeks or so. Some old menu selections are temporarily disabled until I can update them.
Summer 2001 Calendar of changes in my life:
June 23, 2001 - I take Praxis II - Music Content Knowledge, leaving the test feeling like I more than likely failed it worse than in times past.
July 10, 2001 - Find out from college band director that my Asst. Director position is open, but the final salary for it is only part time. Better than nothing. Begin contingency plans for the fall.
July 10-August 3- work FULL TIME HOURS for part time pay at my old University, helping get ready for the 180 or so band members that will be joining in the fall. Make contact with parents, administrators and others and am introduced as 'the Assistant Band Director'. Wonder about my future, how long it will take me to pass this stupid test and get my degree and get my life moving beyond being 'second string'.
August 4 - Praxis II scores come in the mail. I pass with the required score for the state of MD. I go hoarse screaming in celebration.
August 5 - I have a wonderful day at church, celebrating my victory and knowing that Bowie will now grant me my degree.
August 6 - I call the instrumental music supervisor for PG County, she calls me back 20 mins later with a job opening. I also try to get all of my business at Bowie in order, as I see myself working full-time soon enough.
August 7 - more work at Bowie, phone calls to counties to set up interviews for work, preparing for interview at Central High School in PG County on August 8. Chorus and Band director job.
August 8 - Go to the interview. Impress folks. Not too impressed with the school, so I take a moment to think about it and 'hold out' a little for a possible better offer.
August 10 - Go to second interview - for a choral position in Anne Arundel County. Schedule third interview for choral position at Milford Mill Academy (right down the street from my house).
August 11-14 - move down on campus at Bowie for pre-drill fall band camp and help out in my still 'Assistant Director of University Bands' position.
August 13 - confuse interview dates for Milford and miss interview. Bowie officially grants me my degree: Bachelor of Science, Music Education.
August 14 - get a call about position at Central which lets me know I need to make a decision. So I decide (after prayer) to take the job.
August 15-17 - show up at Roosevelt High School for new teacher orientation in PG County.
August 20 - Sign contract for PG County.
August 20-31 - run mother's car to death (94-110 miles per day) commuting to school, administrative building and stuff.
August 20-24 - Spend the week getting ready for kids, preparing myself and cleaning up my room. Up at school many nights from 7am-9pm. Previous director was HORRIBLE as an administrative person and as a director.
August 23 - Speak and impress folks with plans for program at Back to School night at Central.
August 24 - Meet freshmen kids at Freshmen orientation.
August 27-31 - first week of school. Realize how much I really have to do. Step back from responsibilities at Bowie. Feel the Lord calling me away from Bowie for more than just professional reasons- so I begin to disconnect. Spend evenings fighting car dealerships for a decent car.
August 31 - Pick up new car - silver 98 Honda Civic with 45k on it, tons of features and stuff. God is good!
Life is like that. Constantly revising and modifying your outlook as new data
becomes available.
You're always
under construction.
For those of you unfamiliar with me, allow me to hit you with the vitals:
Kerry J. Gilliard
One day closer to 30 than yesterday.
B.S. -Music Education, August 13,2001 Bowie
State University
Chairman of the Music Department (Band and Choir Director) at Central
High School in PG County.
Former Assistant Director of University Bands, now part-time Staff Arranger
for the Bowie
State University Symphony of Soul Band. Choir Director at Open Bible
Baptist Church. Praise God for a job!
Projets in the works:Theologicaly
Correct dot Com Ministires , The
Zeta Phi Beta Sigma Times, a
few dozen essays/booklets on Christian beliefs and more.... somebody find me
a publisher!!!
at moment: My
kids at Central, arranging music and writng field shows,writing (poetry, theology,fiction
and more...) , reading (primarily building up my Christian book library), The
saxophone (16 years), piano (13 years), drawing, painting, computer graphics
and web design, .....uhmm..did I miss something?
Goals in Life: First
and foremost- to know Christ in the power of His ressurection and the fellowship
of His sufferings (Phil. 3:8-10). Everything else is secondary.
Goals in Life: Run a succesful ministry and lead as many to a saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ as possible, marry a strong in the Lord GROWING Christian
woman (it'd be a plus if she was a Zeta too, but I'm not too picky as long as
she's SAVED) and raise a godly family, become a competent Band Director (secondary
level for about 30 years, then the university level) and teach until I croak.....(we
don need no steenkeeng retirement! )
For those interested in a good read on the subject of Reformed Theology/5 Point Calvinism, check out Authur Custance's The Sovereignty of Grace.
Marital Status: Single by choice. Check out my personal ad and see why. Single by design until the Lord points me toward my future wife.
Annoyances: Women fitting any of the following descriptions: loud for no reason, crass, ghetto ALL the time, fake, petty, spiteful, immature,lazy, triflin'; women who have nothing else better to do than cause drama, dress in skin-tight or skin-revealing clothing to get attention (admit it- that's why you're only wearing a peice of string), women with no spiritual grounding in Christ or those who claim to be 'Christian' but exhibit no signs of Christian growth in any shape, form or fashion; women with no personality depth beyond the 'street',so-called 'independent women' who claim they don't need a man, greedy and materialistic women who base a brotha's worth on his wealth without looking at his heart, confused women who can't make up their minds and let good men go then hollar about there ain't no good men left, women who are all about self and don' t know how to treat a good man when they have one
---> weed, smoking, excessive alcohol, excessive profanity, most of the morons/false prophets who appear on TBN and some of the silliness on the 700 club (sometimes they do have SOME good programs, though)
--> theologically incorrect gospel music (99 1/2 sounds good, but it's WRONG- it teaches works salvation, whereas salvation is a gift from God WITHOUT human works- neither to obtain it nor 'keep' it, as some errantly teach. You can lose YOUR salvation-which is really NO salvation, but you CANNOT lose God's salvation - He is indeed the beginner and perfector of our faith [Heb. 12:2] and WILL complete the good work He starts in the believer [Phil. 1:6, Eph. 4:30] - so if the theology of your favorite song doesn't match up with the word of God, you need to stop listening to that TRASH and get some real meat! Ya heard?)
Barney, Teletubbies, people who IM-maul me as soon as I log on AOL and cause
it to crash, most Gateway PC's,bad driving, slow driving in the fast lane; music
with no depth and a 'ghetto' message, Macy Gray (GHETTO HEAVEN!), Lil Kim, Foxxxy
Brown and the rest of these half-nekkid chicks teaching young girls to sell
their bodies for a few fleeting dollars, long lists of annoyances....
Christian Apologetics,
The Cross Movement,
MUSIC, Dynamic
Twins, Hezekiah Walker, John P. Kee, Gospel Music (theologically correct, of
course), SWV (TOLD YOU they'd get back together. Now they need to drop an album),
Black College
Marching Bands, Webpage
design (as a hobby), DJing,
Beautiful Women (internally and externally),
Strawberries, Long walks, Long nails, sharp nails, romantic dinners, short hair,
long hair, extremely dark ladies, extremely light ladies, cute smiles, thick
lips...oh wait those are turn-ons
Computers: Home/Work - Macintosh. Better computer, better operating system. I worked at Windows help desk for a whole semester. Nuff said.
e-mail: Strictly
Zeta and Sigma mail: Music
Related: Religious
Related: Website Design (on a very VERY limited basis)
Related: AOL
Instant Messenger and Other Mail: Leave
me a voicemail:
Theologically Correct dot Com Ministries The Zeta
Phi Beta Sigma Times- 7th Letter Music-
(formerly W.I.T.N.E.S.S. Ministries) -
Christian Resource Site, Evidences for the Christian Faith, Answers
to Skeptics of Christianity and more. All are encouraged to visit. If
you aren't a Christian and THINK you know about Christianity, check this
International Website for members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
and their brother organization, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.
My NEW business site. I'll be selling music arrangements there for all
types of instrumental ensembles- so if you're a band director or know
of one, give them the address to this site!