My Personal Ad
Strong black man, entrepreneur,
28 and single
seeks strong black woman, for friendship, good times and to
must have Jesus at the center of her life- no lie!!
if you're only 'religious' or 'pseudo-spiritual', don't even bother
to apply
intelligence is a plus, outward beauty is too
a plus is if that beauty radiates from inside of you
must not be materialistic, petty, spiteful or hateful
a real woman can appreciate the little things and be grateful
must respect her body, her image and herself
or like an overdue book, I shall return you to the shelf
understanding, warm, compassionate and caring
not selfish and distant, but open and sharing
trust, honesty and communication are the foundations of all
relationships, tis true
if you're not honest when we communicate, how the hell can I trust
too many women are superficial-wasting time gossipin' and dissin'
there are more important things in life you're missin'- just
must be conservative, yet adventurous, bold and quiet too
it sounds like I want every woman, but I want my every woman to be
sex is not an issue- if need be, the Lord will keep me celibate for
because the next woman I lay with, I want to be my wife
tell me you love me without a kiss, without a word parting your
without money leaving your pockets, or your underwear leaving your
that's some steep requirements and the list could go on my friend
but I think I've made my point....and so this ad must now end
so I sit. One day when you're ready you'll step my way
until then, in patience to the Lord I pray
an open heart, much love and a lifetime friend for you await
so answer this ad before it's too late
[ more phat poetry
coming soon!! stay tuned!! ]