Articles on the Times
Well, here's the compendium of previous articles on the ZPBSTimes! Feel free to read, print, copy (as long as you give credit where you got the article-they are copyrighted!) and distribute FREELY (not for profit!).
The Undergraduate Leadership Wakeup Call- Bro. Kerry Gilliard (12/96)
What Are You Doing for the Holidays - Brother Kerry Gilliard (12/96)
BLACKS DRAW HEAT-DAMN!-A very SOBERING and eye-opening essay about the way we treat ourselves by Soror Shanice White (April 1997)
and it's brother article
NIGGATIVITY ON THE NET- Many of you are quick to hollar about WHERE you're representin'- but WHAT are you representing is the question...-an essay by Bro. Kerry Gilliard (April 1997)
Brothers and Sisters in Blue and White- Bro. Garrick White, Psi Chapter-Summer 1997
Beware of Pyramid Schemes - Bro. Marc Booker-Summer 1997
What Are You Doing with your Letters? - A look at the value of the letters we wear- Bro. Kerry Gilliard, summer 1997
Volume III - 1998
A Question
on Sisterhood and Sorority - Soror Shaundra Lee, Gamma Alpha Chapter-
SIGMAS-Ever ran
into a member of Sigma Gamma Rho who decided to call you a 'Phi Beta'? Read
this article and give them a SIGMA history lesson. While you're at it,
take a few tips.-Bro.
Kerry Gilliard -
Black Greeks On The Net- From Campus to Computer Screen- By Soror Malica Naima Ahmad, Tau Theta Chapter (temporarily unavailable)
What Sigma Is All About- Bro. Chris Rice, Epsilon Psi Sigma Chapter
Don't PLEDGE- Bro.
Kerry Gilliard-
In My Opinion- Bro. Marc Booker
What does it mean to be a part of an organization? -By Lybroan James,Nu Delta Chapter, UCLA
Kerry Gilliard
Secrets on the Internet?- A Public Service Announcement - Bro.
Kerry Gilliard-
Undergraduate Empowerment - Bro. Les Brown, Psi Chapter, Clark-Atlanta University
Do you have literary skills you'd like to share with the family? Click here and submit an article or poem to the Times.
We also still welcome feedback on these articles- so drop us a line!