ith the Holiday season already in full swing,
many are out shopping, gathering last minute gifts, waiting in line to purchase
"Tickle Me Elmo", or making preparations for that long dreaded/long awaited
family gathering for the holidays. Many undergraduate brothers and sisters
leave the cares of college and try to chill after a rough semester and take
it easy for the few weeks they do have off.
Of course, you do realize there is no such thing as a "break" from Sigma and I kidding? Nope, not in the least. Those three letters across your chest, branded on your arm, leg, thigh or OTHER body part indicate a commitment to the high ideals which all of our beloved founders cherised when they organized us. At no other time during the year does the SERVICE aspect of both our organizations come into focus than during the holiday season. Don't get me wrong- service is a YEAR - ROUND thing, but even moreso during the holidays simply because so many DO NOT have the luxuries that some of us possess (i.e.- a computer to read this message, a house to sit in and those snacks your busy spilling on your keyboard while you read this...).
My message to all frat and sorors whether your traveling home this year or staying in the area- don't leave SERVICE at school. Dozens of chapters annually meet up on Thanksgiving and/or Christmas and help serve meals to the homeless - even individuals volunteer part of their personal time to help out or volunteer at a local shelter. Here's some ideas and ways you can help out this holiday season:
These are but a few ideas you can
do for the holidays. Give to those who can't give to themselves. Our founders
would be proud of us for doing such. That's my 1914 MB....
GOMAB and Happy Holidays!!