Most news this edition,
comes courtesy of The Honorable Bro. Marvin "Doc" Cheatham. Thanks
Updated 5/3/00
Employment News
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., through the office of the National Director of Social Action, encourages all officers and chapters to join in with the Mozambique Relief initiative. Baltimore City, through Radio One, Inc. and CEO Dr. Cathy Hughes, initiated this nationwide project by collecting over $75,000.00 in contributions.
Contact AFRICARE, American Red Cross and/or Radio One, Inc. An outstanding intiative has been created by Hon. Marvin L.'Doc' Cheatham, Sr. to Expand Black History Month to the 19th of each month.
Need A Good Book?
Greetings Frat and Sorors,
I invite you to peruse for my books of poetry. My 1997 release of A Walk in the Park is there as well as The Sounds of Truth which was released in Decmber 1999. If appropriate I would appreciate it if you would share it with your chapter, check out my books and support family.
Brother Russell
L. Drake
Back in the Eastern Region
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
The Stamp Crusade Continues...
It is with true excitement that I inform us of the very kind and professional means by which Bro. Alvin K. Blackshear and the officers and members of Kappa Beta Sigma, Brooklyn, New York, have blessed us. We now have, thanks to Bro. Blackshear and Kappa Bet Sigma, a means by which to download a letter directly related to Phi Beta Sigma's effort to get the United States Postal Service to place Hon. Dr. Alain Leroy Locke on a postage stamp. With the approval from our illustrious Regional Directors, this letter signing campaign will initially take place at each upcoming regional conference.
It is our goal to formally present to the U.S.P.S., in Washington, D.C., no less than 20,000 signed letters on September 13, (Dr. Locke's birthdate) 2000.We are expecting and requesting every brother, every elected and appointed Sigma officer, every chapter, every area/state and every Region to do all that they can, collectively and/or individually.
Upon receipt of the hard copy I will send at least 500 copies for signature to each designated regional representative to get us started. We are specifically asking each region to be responsible for no less than 3,000 signed letters each. The Phi Beta Sigma National Social Action Dr. Alain Leroy Locke Award will be given to the Region, State/Area, Chapter and Brother that physically brings forth the largest number of individually signed letters no later than August 31, 2000. Brothers, let's begin now. Let's not wait. Call and/or write and/or e-mail your Regional Social Action Director and volunteer your assistance and that of your chapter. LET'S GET SIGMA BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another day...Another Stepshow....
I just wanted to let you know that your hardworking sorors from the University of Penn (Mu Iota) and Temple U (Eta) and frat from Temple U (Epsilon) along with the world famous "Unknown Step Team" SWEPT the Spring Fling Step Show yesterday (4/22/00)at the Apollo of Temple!!! It was beautiful!!!
Courtesy Soror jazz spr. 99 #2 mu iota
NAACP Membership Drive
Phi Beta Sigma National James Weldon Johnson N.A.A.C.P. Membership Drive - April1- June 30, 2000. Awards will be given to brothers, chapters and regions.
Can The Western Region 'Cope' ?
Brothers of the Eastern Region:
It gives me great pleasure to inform you of the fact that formerly one of the Eastern Regions' own, Eastern Regional Associate Director, Bro.Keith "Cope" Copeland was elected this weekend to the prestigious position of Vice Regional Director of the mighty Western Region. I know you will all join me in wishing "Cope" well. He has assuredly and deservedly come a long way from the "mafia chapter" Gamma Lambda at U.D.C.
GOT NEWS? Send it to us at .