Hours upon hours of work go into some of the graphics collections (either hand-drawn, scanned or created from scratch) that I make and use on this site and other Sigma-Zeta sites. For commercial purposes, I put it all under my company name , N2 Productions/BluePhire Graphics Limited®.
<FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Helvetica,Arial,Verdana">PHAT Graphics and Website creation-Click here!</FONT><A HREF="http://n2productions.hypermart.net" TARGET="index.html" border=0><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Helvetica"><IMG SRC="http://zpbstimes.org/images/bf.gif" BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom></FONT></A>
PHAT graphics and
website design- Click here!
May 11, 1999-----PLEASE be sure to register here- I've changed my URL to my business site since last update AND my e-mail address, so you'll all need to change your code in your pages!! AND I'm about change the location of the logo and the way it looks.
In the Dove,
The Negro in the Picture At the Top of this Page