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Welcome to the Archives of the Zeta Phi Beta Sigma Family
What the Archives are:The Archives house history- the histories of Zeta and Sigma down through the decades....from 1914,1920 and beyond.
The Purpose of the Archives: To give newer members of the Blue and White family to see and learn about the histories of both our beloved organizations through pictures. A picture can say a thousand words.....
What you'll find here: Public Information on the history of Zeta and Sigma (no private stuff- sorry all you blue and white groupies and wannabes!!)
Click on an Image To Begin Your Journey
Sigma Pics | Zeta Phi Beta Sigma Pics| Zeta Pics
What Qualifies as an archive picture?
*seven years provided it won't get you suspended or expelled!
1. Have your picture already scanned and saved in one of the following formats: GIF, JPG, BMP, TIFF, PICT or PCX. E-mail it to us at and attach the photo. Please include (where possible) names, event going on, or what the picture is (I'm not a mind reader) so I can do a proper caption for it.
2. No scanner? Put em' in an envelope, put a stamp on it and mail it to:
Kerry Gilliard
PO Box 549
Randallstown,MD 21133
Please include an extra stamp IN the envelope so I can mail your pics back to you.
And please- WRITE LEGIBLY [some of you still write like a Crescent or an AC with smashed fingers....]
And by all means- FEEL FREE TO USE THESE PICS ON YOUR WEB PAGES- just give me (or whomever sent in the picture) a little credit at the bottom of the page